hi, I'm Kristen

I am a transformational
coach committed to
helping people in
transition build a solid foundation for life

I see your journey as the unfolding of the mind, body and speech so that you can come to a state of balance and peace with the agility to not only ride the waves of life, but enjoy them.
About Me

I am a Personal Transformation coach with a focus on a supporting people build their new life after recovering from eating disorders or addictions. As someone who experienced eating disorders for 17 years, I understand the challenges in reaching a truly balanced and sustained way of life. I have lived life to the extremes and reached my equilibrium through curiosity, tenacity, self-exploration, and the use of various healing modalities. I now combine my personal experience and my professonal expertise to help others with their transformation in order to live their best life yet.

My mission is to uplevel consciousness on the planet through providing a framework and practical approach to personal transformation. In our digital world of information overload, most people are aware of the what and why, but get stuck on the how. I consider myself a scout that went out into the field and found one (of the many) paths to freedom. I am now back to give you the map and support you on your quest.

I suffered from anorexia and bulimia from age 9-26, with periods of recovery lasting months on end, only to fall back into a self destructive pattern of abusing food and exercise in private. My personal experience varied from periods of long highs (even if I was symptomatic), with an undercurrent of low and a secret life that was only known to me. Even after recovering, the underlying patterns manifested in different areas of my life. I finally found freedom and a balanced life through years of doing the inner work and peeling back the layers to find my true self.

I developed an approach based on my own experience and through helping others reconstruct their life following a major transition. Whilst I focus on helping people recovering from eating disorders and addictions, my approach can support anyone in transition. We all get knocked sometimes and if we are lucky, we will get back up and continue to get the lessons we need. The only thing constant is change and the world we live in is evolving and shifting. I help people prepare for the changes by having a solid footing beneath them from which they can feel tethered while having the flexibility to pivot when needed.

I built a successful career in an international law firm where I managed to climb the ladder from entry level to executive. I am a self starter, a builder, and a dreamer. Taking abstract concepts, organizing them into conceivable and desirable outcomes and developing a plan to make it a reality. Along the way, I picked up skills in project management, change management, and process improvement. Working with colleagues scattered around the world, I had to rely on developing strong and lasting relationships virtually and across cultures in order to motivate people and effectuate change. I translate this experience into offering online coaching, where I can support those who don’t have access to local resources or prefer the flexibility of virtual coaching.

I am an avid traveler, lived abroad in Europe and Asia for 15 years, and enjoy learning about different customs and traditions. I incorporate what resonates with me into my life and my work. I love being in nature and am a surfer who feels most at home in the ocean. My ideal places are those where the mountains and forest meet the ocean, where Gaia provides an incredible playground for us to explore.

New Beginnings
I was drawn to the Koru symbol before understanding its meaning.  It is a traditional Maori symbol inspired by the unfurling of a new fern frond. It is inspired by the Maori proverb that speaks of rebirth and growth.

“Ka hinga atu he tete-kura - ka hara-mai he tete-kura”

“As one fern frond dies - one is born to take its place”

The Koru represents new beginnings, new growth and spiritual awakenings.  I humbly share it with you and with extreme gratitude to the Maori culture for providing such a beautiful proverb.  It may help serve as a symbol for your own personal transformation or inspire you to find or create your own

Not sure if coaching is for you?  Book a free intro coaching call to learn more about how I can help you and see whether we are a good fit to work together.